Gedreven door onze gedeelde visie om een referentiepunt te zijn op het gebied van global mobility van wetenschappelijk personeel, streven we naar een werkcultuur die onze waarden weerspiegelt:
We werken samen en staan achter elkaar.
Wij zoeken naar de nieuwste informatie op ons vakgebied en leren van elkaar.
Wij streven naar hoge kwaliteit en nauwkeurigheid.
Wij bieden expertise en diepgaande kennis binnen onze niche
Onze voordelen
Hybride en werken op afstand.
Carrièreplatform: ontwikkel expertise op het gebied van global mobility (grensarbeid, beloningen en vergoedingen, belastingen, internationaal arbeidsrecht, sociale zekerheidsrecht en arbeidsmigratie.
Salaris op basis van CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten
Ervaring opdoen binnen een landelijk universitair samenwerkingsverband.
As an operator, you assess whether an employee is entitled to the 30% ruling and submit a request to the Tax and Customs Administration on behalf of the employer and the employee. You do this by assessing the actual start of the employment contract, the specific expertise, the place of residence prior to employment and previous periods of stay in the Netherlands. read more
Operator/advisor 30% ruling
Who we are?
SOFI-expertise (Social Fiscal International Expertise) is a collaboration of Dutch universities and scientific research institutions and supports its members in the broad field of ‘global mobility’ (international remuneration, taxes, social security and labor law).
Approximately 20 employees of the various participating universities and research institutes work within this partnership. These are usually employees who work for their own employer as a payroll specialist, tax lawyer, labor lawyer; HR- or policy advisor. The connection between the participants and the employees is coordinated by Tilburg University.
What we do?
Developing, bundling and sharing knowledge via our Topdesk self-service platform.
Organizing workshops and training courses in the field of global mobility, cross-border work and internationalization.
Handling applications for the 30% ruling for employees of our participants.
Advising on applicable legislation in cross-border work situations.
Participation in various national working groups.
Due to an increasing number of requests for advice on the 30% ruling, we are looking to strengthen our 30% team with an:
Operator/advisor 30% ruling
(0.1 FTE or 0.2 FTE)
What you will do?
As an operator, you will assess whether an employee is entitled to the 30% ruling and submit a request on behalf of the employer and the employee to the Tax and Customs Administration. You do this on the basis of information that has been submitted through our Topdesk self-service portal. You will assess the actual start of the employment contract, the specific expertise of the employee, the place of residence prior to employment in the Netherlands and previous periods of stay in the Netherlands. If a request is incomplete, or if the documentary evidence is insufficient, you contact the applicant for further information. On the basis of our own checklists, legislation and jurisprudence, you assess a number of requests every week. All operators/advisors are members of sub-teams in which you can discuss technical cases. An internal training of SOFI-expertise is an essential part of the onboarding process.
What you need for the job?
The most important thing is that you believe in the strength of collaboration and continuously develop yourself. In addition, it helps if you have knowledge of tax, employment law and or payroll regulations. Furthermore, it is an advantage if you are already involved in submitting 30% of applications from your university or institute where you work.
Ideally you are employed by one of our participants and your employer is willing to facilitate your commitment to SOFI-expertise. Settlement of salary costs takes place between SOFI-expertise and the participating employer. Together with the coordinator and the other operaors, a schedule is drawn up within which you will perform your work.
If you are interested, please contact Erik van Beers (coordinator), tel. 06-58822057 or via
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