Our mission

SOFI-expertise is a collaboration of the Dutch Universities, the Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW) and the Dutch Research Council (NWOI) with the aim of sharing, developing, and securing knowledge in the field of global mobility of research and teaching staff.

What we do

Besides handling almost all applications for the 30%-ruling in the Dutch scientific research and teaching sector, we contribute to the development of the internationalization staff at universities. We offer training programs, continuously publish news articles and manage our knowledge library at ‘sofi-expertise.topdesk.net

Our impact in numbers

  • Handle appr. 750 global mobility queries annually.
  • Every year we process more than 90% of all 30%-ruling applications for Dutch universities.
  • Offer a monthly training program, in which annually more than 300 members participate.
  • Manage a knowledge library including hundreds of items about international taxation, social security, international labor law and specific country data
What our partners are saying
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“Sofi employees always and proactively think along in solutions. During a conversation, the answer to another ongoing case was given in passing. So the necessary time is saved!”

-Payroll & Tax service, Wageningen University and Research

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“Over the past few years we have asked SOFI expertise for advice in multiple cross-border labour cases. Despite the complexity of most of the cases SOFI’s advice is specific and to the point and well founded in terms of rules, regulations and legislation. We are most satisfied with SOFI’s services.”

- Cross-border labour team, University of Groningen

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“In my work as an HR advisor at an international university, I am very happy with SOFI-Expertise. Every question I have in the field of cross-border work, SOFI-Expertise answers with a lot of expertise and kindness.”

- Samantha Koot, HR advisor, Tilburg University

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The purpose of our collaboration
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” is what Aristotle ones said. This definitely applies to our collaboration.

Due to increased globalization, you as an employer are increasingly faced with cross-border jurisdiction issues. The available capacity and knowledge in the field of cross-border work and global mobility within your own institution is often scarce, sometimes only entrusted to one person. By participating in our collaboration this vulnerability can be removed.

Our team and collaborators

Erik van Beers


Geny Santurio Gonzalez

Senior consultant

Alpana Singh

Applications & Data Privacy Manager
Operator 30% ruling

Raquel Lopez

Back-office Support | Office manager

Linda Theunissen

Training Coordinator | Operator 30% ruling

Anne Dikhooff

Operator 30% ruling | HR employee at TU Delft

Anne Steenwelle

Operator 30% ruling | Payroll Administrator at University of Twente

Helma van Tits

Operator 30% ruling | Operations Coordinator at Radboud University

Rita Kentie-Morang

Operator 30% ruling | Employee HR Service Center at Tilburg University

Irma van Lunenburg

Operator 30% ruling | HR Advisor at NWO-I Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica

Joyce Mulders

Operator 30% ruling | HR Officer at TU Eindhoven

Nikol Vetronova

Operator 30% ruling | HR Officer at TU Eindhoven

Team Outing 2024